Looking after your health

Recently, many people have considered delaying timely healthcare – ignoring signs and symptoms rather than being proactive about their health.

Seeing your physio, going to the dentist or visiting an optometrist may all be genuine reasons to leave your home, depending on where you live and the current Department of Health and Human Services restrictions. Looking after both your physical and mental health has never been more important.

What to expect when visiting an extras provider

Due to COVID-19 healthcare practices will have additional procedures in place to maximise the health and safety for staff and patients. These procedures will be based on advice from the Australian Department of Health and will include cleaning guidelines, personal protective equipment and other infection prevention and control strategies.

It’s a good idea to call your provider ahead of time to find out what new procedures they have in place. However, the following are some of the things you might expect when you attend a healthcare appointment.

  • Staff wearing masks and other protective equipment such as a face shield, gloves or gown.
  • There may be screens in place or a physical barrier to protect both you and the staff.
  • There may be less appointments available or reduced appointment times to minimise patient crossover and allow time for cleaning.
  • The treatment rooms and reception areas may be set up differently to allow for social distancing.
  • Contactless payment might be the only payment option.
  • If you do have COVID-19 or show signs or symptoms you won’t be treated in the practice. Other arrangements may be able to be made, for example in your car or by telehealth.

What you can do to stay COVID safe when visiting a provider

Practices are doing their best to maintain hygiene, but there are also a few things you can do to help.

  • Don’t attend your appointment if you’re unwell or COVID positive.
  • Answer honestly when asked about;
    • any COVID symptoms
    • contact with other COVID positive or suspect cases
    • your postcode
    • recent travel
  • Wear a mask (unless exempt) and use hand sanitiser.
  • Follow any check in procedures. For example, you might be asked to call the practice when you arrive and wait for your appointment in your car or outside the building.
  • Let staff check your temperature if requested.
  • Consider having a telehealth appointment.

Using your extras while staying COVID safe, easy as

It’s more important than ever to maintain your health by continuing to access health services in the community or via telehealth. Work with your provider and follow any safety procedures they have, to keep everyone COVID safe.

Have your needs changed?

If it’s been a while since you checked your cover, you can log into the Frank member area to view your annual limits or check your fact sheet to make sure you’re covered for what you need. If it’s time to make changes to your cover, contact Frank for a review.